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International Women's Day - a day to celebrate the inspiring women of the world but also to press forward and progress the campaign for gender parity globally.

We are so pleased to share this collection of images with you - dryrobe ambassadors are proud to be a part of this global movement for awareness and posted their photos in support of the #PressForProgress campaign.
Everyone can get involved in the campaign, it can be as simple as sharing a photo or having a conversation around the dinner table - everyone can play a purposeful part in pressing for gender parity.
#internationalwomensday #IWD2018
Lucy Campbell - @lucycsurf

Eve Smith-Lang @cheekyface_eve.x

Emily Currie @emilyyy_currie

Anya Colley @anyacolley52
Izzy Goode @izzy_goode1

Tehillah McGuinness @tehillahmcguinness

Laura Kennington @laurakairos

Angelique Chetaneau @angel_teamp

Jasmina Aleksandrov @jasminaaleksandrov

Sandra Chetaneau @schlumpfe92

Beth French @bethfrenchlives

Tamsin McVean @tamsinmcvean
Published on March 08, 2018