Microadventure Tips - Dave Cornthwaite

Blog - Microadventure Tips - Dave Cornthwaite

Microadventure Tips - Dave Cornthwaite

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Dave Cornthwaite has taken on some massive adventures around the world, but although paddleboarding the Mississippi or skateboarding across Australia seem like once-in-a-lifetime challenges, Dave has a couple of simple rules. He doesn’t train, and all his trips are super cheap. In fact, he believes in the power of saying yes and doing something new and different so much that he built a community, called the YesTribe, all about making adventure accessible. We figured he’d be the perfect person to support our ‘Leap into Adventure’ competition and share some tips about planning your leap year challenge...

When a leap year falls on a Saturday, you know it’s time to use that ‘free day’ for something fun.

Adventure is no longer the domain of globe-hopping, inheritance-busting journeys to the planet’s wildest corners.

There are so many different ways to adventure over a day or a weekend and here’s the great thing: there are no expectations or judgements, this is your experience to shape.

The only rule is easy: go somewhere or do something that you’ve never tried before.

This is the perfect chance to put those midweek daydreams into action, or finally do that mad thing you suggested to a mate down the pub.

Sleep on a hill, cycle across the country, paddle down a river, bounce a space hopper around the block. Ok, maybe not that last one.

Microadventures are cheap, easy, short and fun. You don’t have to travel far or prepare much, just get outside and give yourself a little challenge.

dryrobe are taking another excuse off your hands, money. With this adventure fund you could have an epic adventure just beyond your doorstep, and hey, even if you don’t win then what’s stopping you?

Dave Cornthwaite

First off, why go on an adventure in the first place?

Well first off, getting outside is good for you. It’s great for mental and physical health, reduces stress, improves eyesight, boosts your immune system, increases confidence and magically, when you’re in the countryside you feel less like staring at a screen.

Of course, when you get home, you’ve finally got a real story to make that next social media post interesting. There’s something really cool about putting an idea down on paper, something a little audacious that not everyone would think of, and then just doing it.

A microadventure could be just the springboard you need to make other bigger decisions, or just plan a longer adventure.

Where do I even start?

Look at a map of your local area and get excited. What about that river that flows through your home town, have you ever swum in there? What about the nearest coastline, how far is it between those beaches? Are there any beautiful spots you could camp during your challenge?

Think about the forms of transport in your garage, is there a hire place nearby or does one of your friends have a canoe or a bike you could borrow?

Make a list to kick things off:

  • How much time do I have?

  • How fast can I travel?

  • What distance do you want to cover?

  • Transport?

  • Where do I start, and finish?

Usually, if you have three answers to the above, the rest will look after themselves.

I’ve never done anything on water before, can I really do this?

Sure you can. You’ve got plenty of time to learn some basic skills. And there are so many ways to enjoy a water adventure. It could be a simple A to B, the length of a small river or a section of a bigger one. Maybe you could cycle alongside a river or coastline. Or try to wild swim in 29 different places over the leap year weekend? Get creative, think outside of the box. You know you have the right idea when you can’t stop thinking about it.

What gear do I need?

Think about the basics.


  • Camping gear: a tent/ bivvy bag, sleeping bag and sleeping mat


  • A little camping stove? (If there are towns/villages on your route you could save on the weight and eat in cafes

  • If you want to cook for yourself, dehydrated meals or noodles are super easy

  • Water bottle (work out where you can fill up, and if this isn’t an option, take enough to last you - minimum 2 litres a day)


  • Travel light, only take what you need (if you’re likely to get wet take one change of clothes)

  • dryrobe (very important)

  • Stay warm. Gloves and hat, etc


  • It’s ok to be smelly for a day. A toothbrush will do.

Dave Cornthwaite

Ok, it’s time. Make your plan and don’t forget to share it. If you need help, reach out. A bed here, a ride here. The YesTribe is really cool for this, it’s full of thousands of people who are up for supporting other people on adventures big and small.

Don’t forget to take pictures and a little film. Share it with the hashtags #leapintoadventure and #sayyesmore, and enjoy!


'Leap into Adventure' Competition
Enter the ‘Leap into Adventure’ competition here 

Follow Dave:
Facebook: Dave Cornthwaite
Instagram: @davecorn

Follow The YesTribe:
Facebook: The YesTribe
Instagram: @theyestribe


Published on January 17, 2020